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Wholesale gift cards

Save your precious time and money by purchasing 2,000+ branded gift cards in bulk.

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How to purchase gift cards with wholesale price?

Buy gift cards in large quantities at a discounted price.

Select gift cards from thousands of well-known brands and purchase them in bulk with a bank transfer or cryptocurrency. Feel free to browse our inventory in-store or request a list with the entire assortment in one place.

Get the most demanded gift cards for cryptocurrencies in every region at a good price. Discounts vary between 0% to 40%, depending on the quantity and frequency of purchases.

Business benefits of using gift cards

How to use gift cards for your business?

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Motivate your employees with gift cards.

Gift cards are one of the best tools to reward your employees for their achievements. As a form of reward, gift cards are flexible and easy to deliver. Companies can choose from an assortment of 2,000 top brands from 70+ regions and tailor them based on employees' preferences. Online delivery makes distribution instant and eco-friendly.

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Create incentives for existing or future customers

Gift cards are unmatched to incentivize customers to leave a lead, review, or refer other clients. It is a common tool for marketing promotions and loyalty programs. Use gift cards to scale your business or improve customer satisfaction.

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Establish utility for your digital points & tokens

Customers love to be incentivized with digital points or digital assets as long they can benefit from it. Why not buy gift cards with them? Introduce gift cards in exchange for collected points.

Trusted partner by many

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Why choose CoinGate for your wholesale gift card needs?

Get a personal consultation on the gift card selection. We run a CoinGate Gift Card store serving thousands of customers every month. We know the business well and can suggest the best brands and negotiate the best prices. We deliver gift cards in the most convenient way for you and instantly. We are also flexible in payment terms and methods.

Gift Cards

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CoinGate Gift Cards operations are being executed by UAB Rewards distributed. Read more.